The Training team can assist end users with supplier onboarding requests, creating a purchase requisition (req), finding a purchase order (PO), completing a Conga Contract Request form related to a PO, initiating a change order, and closing a PO. To schedule training or a quick walkthrough, contact your procurement team below. To view the full PO process and all related resources, scroll down.
Kimberly Fernandez, IT Trainer To register for the Purchase Orders 101 webinar, login to ULearn.Workday Help Desk
Michelle Roy, IT Trainer
305 UHCORP, 310 UMMG, 320 ABLEH, 330 UMHC, 340 UMH
Workday Help Desk Meperia Help Desk
Corporate Cards: Instant Cards, Purchasing Cards, and Travel Card Expense Reports (reimbursements): Disbursements, (305) 284-3564 Accounts Payable: Invoice Payments and Receive Requests Meperia Access Form Supplier Invoices (check requests): Disbursements, (305) 284-3564 Workday:
For Procurement policies, visit PolicyStat.
The University has multiple processes for ordering goods and services that are paid with UM funds. View the Payment Matrix to ensure a purchase order (PO) is an allowed process for the commodity being purchased. Examples: Tip: If a supplier is active in Workday for POs, the PO process will take precedence over PCards, Check Requests, Travel Cards, and Reimbursements. Guide: Payment Matrix Assistance:
Before requesting to purchase goods and/or services, check UMarketplace to see if the supplier has been onboarded for purchase orders and if their status appears as Active. If the supplier is not Active or does not appear in UMarketplace, look for an alternate supplier or reach out to the Purchasing Buyers for recommendations. As a last resort, onboard the supplier. Example: Compass Group USA, Inc., Tips: Guides and Assistance:
To purchase goods and services with UM funds, create and submit a purchase requisition (req) in Workday. After all financial and procedural approvals are obtained, the req will close. Then a purchase order (PO) will be issued and sent to the supplier for fulfillment. Example: Gather Information Preapprovals Financial Data - Gather from the manager, PI, or Cost Center Manager. Supporting Documentation 2. Create a Req Assistance: Academy/MSOM Procurement Help Desk
During the requisition (req) approval process, am Academy/MSOM Procurement Buyer will determine if a contract is required. If so, this can be viewed in the Workday Process History, after the first Buyer’s approval. Buyers may request additional information or ask the req creator to login to Conga, and edit a pre-drafted Conga Contract Request form. Examples: Tip: For Purchase Orders (POs) end users should not create a New Conga request unless specifically directed by a Purchasing employee. Instead, find and edit the Conga Draft which is automatically generated after the first Buyer's approval. It will contain some req information and all the attachments. Guide and Assistance:
Once a purchase requisition (req) is completely approved, the status will change to Closed. Then a purchase order (PO) will be issued and sent to the supplier by either Workday or the Buyer. Example: Guides and Assistance:
The supplier will provide the goods and/or services. Assistance: For estimated delivery dates, or issues with deliveries/installation, contact the supplier and reference the PO number.
The purchase order (PO) directs suppliers to send invoices to UM Accounts Payable (AP). For invoices sent directly to the department, begin the payment process by submitting the invoice to AP. Tip - PO Balances may not reflect the amount received by the supplier. Guide and Assistance:
To edit fields on a purchase order (PO), an employee with the security role Cost Center Manager (CCM) or Procurement Data Entry Specialist (PDES) can initiate a change order. Example: Tips: Guides, Forms, and Assistance:
If all items have been received, and all invoices have been processed and paid, and deposited by the supplier, the purchase order (PO) can then be closed. By closing the PO, unused funds will be placed back into the budget. This also prepares the budget for fiscal year end. Employees with the security role Procurement Data Entry Specialist (PDES) and Cost Center Manager (CCM) can close a PO. Examples: Tip - Closing a PO before all invoices are paid, will require the department to submit a new requisition before payment can be made. Guides and Assistance: