PCard Type Purchases

Authorized and Unauthorized PCard Purchases

For catering, food, beverage, and related supplies, refer to the Payment Matrix

For questions, contact Corporate Card Services.


The following expenditures are allowed, subject to the $2,500 per transaction limit.

  • Advertisements: Recruitment Posting (new online class/programs, research study participants, job postings on web/social media)
  • Catering Supplies allowed up to $200 (e.g., cups, napkins, plasticware, and paper plates)
  • Cell Phone Recurring Charges
  • Charitable Contributions (e.g., fundraising galas or events)
  • Computer Accessories (e.g., keyboard, mouse, chargers, cables, and projecotr bulbs)
  • Dues - Professional, Civic, Community Org.
  • Fines/Penalties (e.g., Government agency fines)
  • Gifts- Flowers (*Limits apply. Refer to the University Gifts and Discounts to Employees (Policy ID 12353377)
  • Government Agency Fees
  • Journal Publications & Abstract Fees
  • Licenses - Professional
  • Magazines
  • Meeting Amenities/Subsistence (*PCard allowed up to $200 for grocery stores. E.g., Not to be used for restaurants or fast food.)
  • Membership - Professional Org.
  • Permits
  • Postage
  • Phones (Request begins on a WD purchase requisition. Then charges applied to the PCard)
  • Promotional Items- Follet Purchases* (promotions that require custom UM logo items must go through the PO process.)
  • Registration - Conferences, Seminars
  • Subscriptions - (e.g., books and magazines) 














The following expenditures are strictly prohibited. Some items may be authorized on a one-time basis.

  • All Contracts (PO)
  • All Services (PO)
  • Alcoholic Beverages (Contact the Purchasing Department and Risk Management)
  • Animals and Animal-Related Purchases*
  • Biological and Medical Products/Supplies (e.g. drugs, lab fees) (PO)
  • Capital Equipment (PO)
  • Catering (PO)
  • Computer Hardware & Software
  • Contracts (PO)
  • Construction Renovation
  • Consulting (PO)
  • Copying/Duplicating (Contact Managed Print Services)
  • Equipment
  • Furniture (PO)
  • Gifts/Gift Certificates/Gift Cards (For research participants only. Please refer to HR Policy University Gifts and Discounts to Employees (Policy ID 12353377).
  • International Purchases*
  • Leases & Maintenance Agreements
  • Medical Supplies & Equipment
  • Parking Fees*
  • Patient Transportation (please create a PO using Lyft- UM wide contract)
  • Personal Expenditures/Personal Items (whether intentional or a mistake these are not allowable, and a Misuse Form will need to be completed)
  • Radioactive/Hazardous Materials (PO)
  • Repairs (PO)- Medical Equipment
  • Travel & Entertainment Expenses (Travel Card)

*Restriction may be lifted on a one-time bases upon approval. Contact Corporate Card Services at 305-284-2417.












