PCard Updates

Learn what's new with PCard policies and procedures.

For questions, contact pcard.ap@miami.edu.

Date Subject
October 25, 2023

Corporate Card Policy Updates – Workday Task Acknowledgement Requirement

You have been identified as an active Corporate Cardholder. A “Task” in Workday will be assigned to you for acknowledging these policy updates on Thursday, October 26th.

To avoid the card(s) from being suspended please acknowledge in Workday that you have read the changes within the next 45 days. Failure to do so may result in card suspension. Reinstatements will require supervisor or Cost Center Manager signature.


Once the termination process is initiated in Workday the Cardholder, Supervisor and Cost Center Manager will begin receiving email alerts. These daily alerts will provide a list of all outstanding transactions which must be either transferred to another Cardholder in the department or reconciled, submitted, and completely approved prior to the last day of employment.

Failure to comply with Corporate Card Policies could lead to corrective action as outlined in Human Resources Discipline Policy.


During an audit should it be found that a cardholder has used either card for personal use  incurring 3 violations within a fiscal year, the card(s) will be cancelled.

A Misuse Form will be sent to the cardholder requesting information as to why the card was used for personal gain. Depending on the severity of the personal charge, HR may be notified which could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


If a cardholder accrues 3 card suspensions due to non-reconciliation within a fiscal year, the card will be terminated, and the cardholder is not eligible to reapply.

Transactions must be reconciled and completely approved within 60 days.

October 19, 2023

ULearn Purchasing Card (PCard) Refresher Training

University Purchasing Cardholders:

 All cardholders who completed the initial 1-hour CBL before March 1, 2023, are required to complete the Purchasing Card (PCard) Refresher Training.

The refresher has been assigned in ULearn and appears under My Transcripts. This half-hour course provides an overview of important cardholder information including updates surrounding compliance, policies, and procedures and is required every two years. If a cardholder does not complete this Refresher CBL by January 26, 2024, the card will be suspended until completed.

August 14, 2023

 Corporate Cards Initiative Memorandum

June 1, 2023

Employees Leaving the University (Terminated)  

Once the termination process is initiated in Workday the Cardholder, Supervisor and Cost Center Manager will begin receiving email alerts. These daily alerts will provide a list of all outstanding transactions which must be either transferred to another Cardholder in the department or submitted and completely approved prior to the last day of employment. This will allow Corporate Card Services to properly close the card(s) prior to the employee leaving.

Failure to comply with Corporate Card Services policies could lead to corrective action as outlined in Human Resources Discipline Policy.


Cardholder Draft Alert

EBS to create a cardholder alert when a transaction is in Draft mode. This will assist with cardholders completing the reconciling process and avoid card from being suspended

May 12, 2022

When verifying PCard charges, the Memo and Line Item Attachment fields are now required.

Best practice when completing a verification is to include the following details for each transaction:

  • Memo - Type the business purpose and answer who, what, when, where and why.
  • Line Item Attachment - Upload the merchant invoice being paid. Please include any internal Central Office emails granting approval for the purchase.

When following these basic guidelines, the possibility of a verification being Denied or Sent Back could be mitigated.


Software and Hardware purchases must be processed on a Purchase Order.

Now is a good time to review all software purchases currently set up for renewals using the PCard.  Software or cloud hosting subscriptions that include PII, PHI, PCI, FERPA or any other protected data owned by the University that is being shared or stored outside of UMIT/UHIT's supported systems could represent a risk to the University.  Therefore, the route of creating a requisition/purchase order must be followed to ensure proper review and approval by Central offices.

Any request to make an exception for software renewal or purchasing hardware using the PCard must be approved by UMIT/UHIT before Corporate Cards Services office allows the transaction. The review is to confirm that the purchase is compliant and is not in violation of any policies, procedures, or regulations.
