Airgas Medical Gas Permits

Airgas Exemption Letter Requirements

Departments that will require medical grade gases for use in research protocols, must obtain an exemption letter prior to the initial purchase.

The State of Florida requires each user ordering medical gases to have an exemption letter. Example gases include oxygen, carbon dioxide, and liquid nitrogen. To avoid any delays in obtaining the exemption letter, please submit the application four months in advance. Airgas cannot deliver gases unless they have received a copy of the exemption letter on file.

(Link to full additional details below)

To obtain an exemption letter, submit the application using these steps:

  1. Visit the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation website. If you currently do not have an account, create one.
  2. Select "Apply for a New License."
  3. From the Licensing & Regulations screen, select "Drugs, Devices & Cosmetics."
  4. Click "Exemptions."
  5. Select "Online Applications" and complete the "Exemption Letter - Application Summary."
  6. When asked for supplier information, select "Airgas USA LLC" located at 7280 NW 58th Street, Miami, Florida 33166, license number 311170.

The address listed in the exemption letter must match the address—including room number—where the gases are going to be delivered and stored. Please note, if a laboratory moves to another location (i.e. address, room, floor) the exemption letter must be updated and sent to Airgas at:

If you have any questions, please contact Sourcing. Thank you for your continuous assistance.
